Paper in a Day at ESTSS will use the PACT/R Data Archive
Paper in a Day
European Society for Traumatic Stress Studies (ESTSS) Conference
Rotterdam - June 2019
Full day on 13 June (9:30 - 16:30) plus pre- and post-meeting assignments
There is no registration fee for this Pre-Conference Workshop.
Paper in a Day grew out of a wish to foster collaborations between young researchers from around the world. Many of these researchers will be future leaders in the domain of posttraumatic mental health and the field will benefit from their partnerships and teamwork. Paper in a Day is designed to stimulate international connections and the exchange of ideas by working on a tangible outcome: a brief paper or commentary for a peer-reviewed journal. This will be an intensive, productive and enjoyable day. Previous editions have led to conference contributions, journal articles, and lasting contacts (see article in Traumatic StressPoints). Because Paper in a Day will take place prior to the ESTSS conference, participants will have the opportunity to continue dialogue with colleagues during the rest of the conference.
This year, Paper in a Day will make use of a unique research resource in the traumatic stress field - the Prospective studies of Acute Child Trauma and Recovery (PACT/R) Data Archive. Learn more about PACT/R resources and data at This international data archive of child trauma studies currently includes datasets from 32 studies, representing data from more than 5500 children exposed to a single incident trauma, e.g., injury, disaster, interpersonal violence. In addition to original study data/variables, PACT/R includes a growing set of harmonized variables that can facilitate cross-study analyses. Throughout the Paper in a Day process, leaders of the PACT/R Archive will be available to participants to answer questions and to approve data requests once research topics / questions are identified.
After registration, participants will choose a topic based on shared interests and availability of relevant PACT/R data. In the weeks prior to the workshop, participants will individually prepare (e.g. read relevant articles, draft sections of the paper). The workshop will include plenary discussions about the topic and the drafted texts, and writing time in subgroups. Following the workshop, the draft will be finalized for submission.
In order to make the event a success, we ask participants to commit to:
a) Prepare in advance of the meeting - dedicate eight hours prior to the workshop.
b) Be present for the entire workshop.
c) Contribute to the final editing and referencing following the workshop.
How to participate
This event is aimed at early career academics who have obtained their PhD after 2014 or who are in the final stages of submission of their PhD. If you would like to participate, please send an email to by 15 April 2019 (seats are limited; first come, first serve) with the following information:
1) A short CV listing your publications and main research interests to inform choice of topics. Please also let us know if you have an idea for a research question that could be addressed with PACT/R data to complete a relatively contained empirical paper or commentary.
2) A statement that you commit to the required preparation, attendance and follow-up activities as described.